Remember those seeds I planted back in October, the ones I thought were too old to germinate . . . Well, they have turned into the most beautiful spikes of multicolored wild flowers!
Last week I was out with the flu, but this week I am feeling full of spunk, and sewing up a storm! A.J. turns 9, and new clothes for her Barbie doll are what I've been working on (sundress is my own creation, the rest of the patterns come from Simplicity 7073 Sewing Patterns for Dummies). You can also find patterns for Barbie's here.
Since I wanted to show off my beautiful wildflower garden, I thought I'd spice things up a bit and do a designer photo shoot out by the wildflowers! You're in for a treat! Hold on to your hats! It's Springtime in Arizona, I've got a DSLR Nikon and know how to use it!
I was expecting African daisies and California poppies . . . They're in the mix somewhere, but look at my beautiful flowers!
This little white hearts on red number, I designed! I was going for a sophisticated, but modest sundress.
Notice the pretty V to show off her tanned back!
Midcalf denim skirt with floral blouse.
Blue Bells! I love their intense bright blue color!
Barbie is wearing a navy blue linen skirt topped with a striking turquoise and white striped, 1 shoulder strap top.
Add a couple interchangeable halter tops to stretch your wardrobe.
Lavender floral halter top with green checkered tie . . . The perfect ensemble!
Pink, purple, orange and green flowers on bright pink halter with pretty lace collar!
Who knew it was difficult making clothes for a Barbie doll? Because you are working with such small pieces of fabric, sewing is difficult, especially around necklines.
I learned to cut out my material using pinking scissors, and adding an extra 1/8th-inch around the outside of my pattern pieces when cutting out my material. By pinking your fabric, you can fold the seam allowance over just once and stitch it down, giving your clothing a less bulky look. I also didn't take the time to press open my seams, instead I ran another row of stitching down the seam allowance so it would lay flat.
This DIY project got easier the more I sewed! I was able to take more simple patterns for the strapless halter tops and dress I designed, by adding lace and straps to make them attractive and still keep the fashion a bit more modest for my granddaughter! I decided that it was inappropriate for me to sew clothes for Barbie that I wouldn't want to see my own granddaughters wearing!
Trying to keep it real . . . Over at Julie's!!!
Very pretty pictures. I especially love the colors.